Happy One Year, Coherent with Coffee!

Happy One Year to my site!

I don’t know if you would consider it a birthday, and anniversary, or just a fluke. Either way, a little over a year ago I started this blog with very little idea about how it would really come together or play out. 

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Play Time

I took the day off work today as the kids are on Spring Break this week, and we went out to lunch and the park. It was great to breathe in the 56 degree fresh air and play – really play – with them for a few hours in the sunshine.

When did we stop doing that as adults? Simply playing.

My oldest asked me last week, “Hey mom, how come you never play with us?”

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The Before & The After

Some of the most life-changing things occur so suddenly – out of the blue there is a drastic turn of events and things are instantly not what they were before. The separation is created: what was before, and what came after. These life altering events are not planned. Rather, they come on an otherwise subdued Tuesday evening.

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What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Most of us have had the experience of working for a bad boss or alongside the WORST group of co-workers.

For various reasons, you may find yourself surrounded with people who feel threatened by others’ success, folks who get drunk on power, or leadership that gets so wrapped up in details that they forget to plan for the bigger picture. Lack of developing staff, lack of support, lack of resources. Lack of talent, lack of communication, lack of growth. Bad, bad, bad situations.

Been there, got the t-shirt.

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